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Showing posts with the label mini

Mini Dog Breeds

Dog Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier Mini Dog Breeds - ( - An increasing preference towards mini dog breed was observed during 2014. This contributed to the decline in dog food by 5% in volume terms as this kind of dog needs less food. In fact, small size dogs are easily adaptable to Spanish daily A 2013 study revealed small dogs do indeed have live longer. The study's findings indicate that for every 4.4 pounds of body weight, a dog's lifespan decreased by one month. The study also suggested larger breeds die more frequently from cancer than In 2013, the owner of the two dogs was cited after they attacked another small dog . The dog in that case survived. "Because these large breed dogs had been off the property before, it's clear not enough steps were taken to secure them," Kelley said. Fossils show dog ancestors were small animals that looked more like mongooses than modern the authors argue they may continue to adapt in response to the present ...