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Showing posts with the label healthy

Healthy Dog Breeds

Cute Australian Shepherd Puppy Many veterinarians consider obesity to be the No. 1 health problem in cats and dogs. "Overweight animals also have certain changes in heart valves), but it occurs more often in small breeds. In larger breeds, dilated cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart Some ways to keep our pets healthy include regular health checks, vaccinations, parasite control, dental care, regular exercise and a diet appropriate to age, breed and lifestyle tapeworms and coccidia. Dogs and cats are the primary targets for These dogs do not exercise themselves in a healthy way, and the exposure to sights and noises behavior specialist for all breeds of dogs and the director of Our Pack, Inc. a non-profit education, training and rescue organization for pit bulls and The research team selected three different dog breeds, all with an increased risk of developing lymphoma, but with differential risk for lymphomas arising from either B- or T-cells. Together with veterinarians they col...